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    Top 10 Credit Repair Books To Read In 2020

    If you are considering doing your own credit repair, then there are a few things that you should do to get prepared. First, obtain a free copy of your credit report from all three major credit reporting agencies. You can obtain your credit report for free annually online at Review your report for inaccuracies. Make notes of any mistakes or disputes that you find. Be prepared to keep accurate records of settlement and repayment agreements. Use a prepaid card when making payments and do not give your bank account information to creditors. The following is a list of top ten books for credit repair. These books will guide you step-by-step with repairing your credit.

    1) Credit Repair Special Edition by Dana Lee

    This book is the author’s personal experience with repairing his credit. He has compiled a list of resources that anyone can use to repair their credit. This book contains instructions for writing dispute letters including templates and how to negotiate payment arrangements with creditors.

    2) Raise Your Credit Score in 10 Easy Steps (Create Your Money Series) by Angel love

    This credit repair book will provide you information about your credit score and how to raise it. You will learn practical solutions for negotiating settlements with your creditors that will save you thousands of dollars. You will learn to avoid habits that cost you 10-12 points on your credit score each time to do them.

    3) Credit for Complete Beginners: Build and Fix Your Credit by Marquess Hitchcock

    This book will teach you how to obtain, build, and maintain credit. You will learn how to manage your credit, correct erroneous reporting, and make repairs. These steps will help you improve your credit or you can always consider credit repair companies too.

    4) The Credit Score Blueprint: Simple Ways To Improve Your Credit Today by Jeff Leighton

    In this book, you will be shown how to increase your FICO score with a simple and easy-to-follow plan. You will learn interest negotiation to get the best rates on car loans, mortgages, credit cards, and bank lines of credit. You will be confident when applying for jobs because you will learn how to get credit scores that impress major companies. You will learn how your FICO score is calculated and what certain lenders look at when determining how much credit to offer you.

    5) How To Cheat At Credit Repair & Get Away With It by Dustin Harder

    Credit Repair expert Dustin Harder will show you free methods that will help you to fix your credit and improve your FICO score. You will learn how to understand your credit and how different creditors rate you. You will learn tips and tricks to eliminate collections accounts and how to avoid high-interest charges. If you’re thinking about making a significant purchase such as a home or a new car, this book can help you get your credit ready for the purchase.

    6) Credit Card And Credit Repair Secrets: Discover How To Repair Your Credit, Get A 700+ Credit Score, Access

    This book will teach you tons of credit repair information and tips on how to get the highly sought after 700+ credit score. This book will show you simple, easy ways to improve your credit, reduce your debt and start living the life that you want. This book will show you ways to reduce high-interest rates and learn tips on traveling the world are included. This book is from a series of financial improvement books.

    7) Credit Repair Books: MASTERPIECE by John Harris

    This book provides practical information on credit repair. You will get information on credit letters to help you dispute and repair your credit. The author delves into the laws for credit repair and adds his sense of humor to the frustrations of dealing with credit collectors.

    8) Credit Fix Power: A Lawyer Reveals the Secrets to Exercising Your Credit Report Rights Under the Law, Boost Your Credit Scores, Force Corrections, Repair Your Credit..And Make Violators Pay by Craig Perry 

    In this credit repair book, you will learn steps to fix and repair your credit following step-by-step legal actions. You will learn how to get negative items deleted from your credit repair.

    9) Build and Protect Your Credit Like the Pros Go from beginner to expert, raise your credit score, and secure your finances by Carolyn Warren

    The smartest way to protect your credit is to learn how credit works and make smart decisions like the pros from the start. This book will show you what you need to know to be credit savvy, how to protect your credit assets, and secure your financial future. The author is a credit and mortgage expert with years of experience helping families build their credit and obtain their dream home. She is considered a credit repair expert by her peers and works with young people on the road to establishing their credit histories.

    10) Amazing Credit Repair: Boost Your Credit Score, Use Loopholes (Section 609), and Overcome Credit Card Debt Forever by Abel Gray

    If you want to live successfully, then you need good credit. Having good credit will give you access to the things life’s necessities such as a great job, house, and car. There are times in life when your credit may suffer a negative entry. You may unintentionally fall behind on a debt, or a creditor may post inaccurate information on your credit report. These actions can reduce your credit score drastically. This easy to understand guide will teach you how to repair your credit and how to get inaccuracies removed.

    Getting and maintaining good credit is the key to successful living. When you practice taking the best care of your credit, negative items can still come up. A missed payment will make your score drop dramatically. Collection errors are common occurrences, and it’s important to learn how to dispute inaccuracies and have them removed. These books have everything that you need to get your credit back on track with tips on how to keep it there.

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