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    Know the benefits of having a Additional Income


    With time, building an additional income stream has become quite essential. What used to be considered as a luxury is now turning into a necessity. Owing to the financial risks involved with relying on your 9-5 job for your incoming cash, it is imperative to look out for other sources of income. Here’s when a passive income comes into the picture.

    Know More

    What is passive income?

    Passive income is any income that requires little or no daily efforts on your end. Passive income allows you to earn money online while also availing work from home. This extra source of income also allows you to be your own boss. Creating an additional income stream might help you with the following things:

    1. Paying tuition fees for your kids without hampering your retirement funds.
    2. Restrict you from taking a loan to buy any product/service.
    3. Helps you to live within your means
    4. Helps to pay-off your debt and become debt-free
    5. Build a holiday fund for you and your family
    6. Helps to create a back-up, in case you lose your primary job
    7. It allows you to take (financial) risks in life, etc.

    Now that you know how important it is to earn money online and aid to a new source of income, you might wonder how you can earn this passive income. Indiabulls Partner Program is your solution.

    What is Indiabulls Partner Program?

    Indiabulls provides an opportunity to earn money online with zero investment while working from home. By just referring Indiabulls Dhani to potential customers who want to avail a personal loan, you have an opportunity to earn up to Rs. 30,000 per month. Just like a personal loan agent, you get a commission every time your lead’s loan gets disbursed. Any citizen above the age of 18 years can become a partner with Indiabulls and avail the benefits of the Indiabulls Referral Program.

    For instance, Shreya is a teacher at a government school. Keeping up with the daily expenses become quite difficult with her limited income. She started the Indiabulls Dhani Partner Program to earn money online and improve her financial condition. Now, she can earn an additional Rs. 25000+ each month. This has increased her standard of living and allows her to handle her finances in a better way.

    Following are some of the benefits of this one-of-its-kind Referral Program by Indiabulls:

    1. Zero investment required

    2. Flexibility to work from home

    3. Instant payouts

    4. Zero commutes

    5. Better work-life balance

    6. Earn additional money online

    7. Be your own boss

    If you are an existing Dhani customer, you earn additional Dhani points, as well. Dhani points is a loyalty program available exclusively to active Dhani customers. These customers earn 250 Dhani points on each successful referral. 1 Dhani point = Rs. 2. That means you earn an additional Rs 500 by just referring Indiabulls Dhani to your friends and family. This acquired cash can be used for shopping, paying utility bills, purchasing gift vouchers, or can be simply transferred back to your account.

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