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Worker Killed, 1 Injured in Collapse of West Virginia Power Plant

One worker died and another was injured when a structure at an old West Virginia power plant collapsed while being prepped for demolition, officials said.

Mason County dispatchers told news outlets that workers were dismantling and salvaging materials at the former Philip Sporn Power Plant in New Haven.

The Frontier Group of Companies, which specializes in redeveloping large-scale industrial and commercial property, said the workers were preparing a small ancillary structure at the site for demolition on Monday when it collapsed prematurely.

Both workers were taken to a hospital. One died and the other remains hospitalized, news outlets reported, citing a statement from the company. Neither worker was identified.

“We will complete a thorough and exhaustive investigation into this incident, so that we can understand what happened, why it happened, and take every measure possible to ensure that something like this doesn’t happen again,” Frontier said.

Copyright 2020 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

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