, pub-6007374308804254, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

    Martha Wells Is Having too Much Fun Here…

    Highly recommended. Martha Wells appears to have had an illegally large amount of fun writing this novel. Here a newly-created instantiation of Murderbot sets out on what is supposed to be a suicide mission: Martha Wells: Network Effect: A Murderbot Novel ‘I initiated a connection and put a freeze on the SecUnit’s governor module so nothing I did would accidentally trigger it. I could tell I had the Unit’s attention, that it knew somebody had initiated contact. I sent it an old company identifier…. After four long seconds, it replied: “System Unit Acknowledge: Identify?”… I said, “I’m a rogue SecUnit, working with the armed transport who is pursuing this ship with the intention of retrieving endangered clients. I am currently present as killware inside the explorer’s SecSystem.” It didn’t reply. I can tell you as a SecUnit that under these circumstances this is just about the last thing you expect to hear. Also, SecUnits normally aren’t allowed to communicate with each other so it would be reluctant to drop protocol. I said, “There’s no protocol for any of this. Just talk to me”. There was another three second pause. “I don’t know what to say”. That was encouraging. (I’m actually not being sarcastic here—the last time I’d tried to talk a SecUnit into helping me, it had just gotten more determined to kill me. But it had been a CombatUnit and they’re a–holes.) I said, “Three of my clients are inside the compartment nearest you. Have you seen these others?”… #books #highlyrecommended #sciencefiction #2020-07-16

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