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    Mastering this career skill can save yourself some serious time

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    You can automate tasks

    Excel is pure magic, baby. Especially if you know how to navigate it. You see, Microsoft helps make its software customizable to users through VBA, or Visual Basic for Applications. It allows you to tweak toolbars and menus to force the program to do what you want it to do. It’s easier than it sounds, and VBA can help automate tasks on Excel, which is a major time-saver. The course bundle can explain it all for you, too. One of its courses, “Microsoft Excel Essentials, Level 3: Macros and VBA Programming” will teach you how to program in VBA so that you can tweak Excel’s code to automate whatever you want it to do. The course is 14 hours long and covers lessons on coding and automation. Like I said: magic.

    You can create templates

    If you’re less interested in coding, that’s not all that Excel makes possible. The program allows you to create templates you can reuse. These templates can save you time if you’re working on the same types of reports or documents. While templates can house different formatting options, they can also save the formulas you repeatedly use to do the math Excel is perhaps most famous for. That’ll save you time from having to input them every time you’re working on something new. “Microsoft Excel Essentials, Level 2: Intermediate/Advanced” is a course in the bundle that goes beyond the basics. The first course revolves around templates, but the course goes further to ensure you can develop databases and fulfill project plans, too.

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