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    Want a $100 Amazon gift card? (3 winners!)

    To close out the last week of January, we’re giving away THREE $100 Amazon gift cards!

    $100 Amazon Gift Card Giveaway

    We’re doing a giveaway for THREE $100 Amazon gift cards! Each person can enter up to 5 times in this giveaway with the actions below. You do NOT have to do all of them, but the more you enter, the better chance you have! Enter as many times as you’d like up to 5 times (once for each action)!

    1. Go follow us on Facebook and leave a comment on this post that has been a hugely popular deal this month! Plus, leave 2 other comments on your favorite deals we’ve posted to our Facebook page today. Leave a comment on this post saying you did so.

    2. Sign up for Crystal’s personal weekly newsletter. Leave a comment on this post saying you did so (or letting us know that you’re already a subscriber!).

    3. Sign up for our daily deals recap newsletter. Leave a comment on this post saying you did so (or letting us know you’re already a subscriber!).

    4. Follow Crystal on Instagram. Leave a comment on this post saying you did so (or letting us know that you’re already a follower!)

    5. Leave a comment on this blog post telling us what you love most about our site and what you would love to see more of here.

    That’s it! We’ll pick three of you at random from the comments on this post to win a $100 Amazon gift card and notify you by email.

    Giveaway ends Sunday night, February 2nd, at midnight. Good luck!

    Giveaway is not sponsored and the gift cards are personally provided by Money Saving Mom, LLC. No purchase necessary to enter the giveaway. Three winners will be selected at the end of day, February 2, 2025 and be contacted by email.

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