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    Is Trump taking the wrong turn for U.S. truck manufacturing?

    President Trump’s executive order to revoke federal funding for investments in manufacturing clean vehicle technologies portends a bleak future for the jobs and communities building big trucks and buses in the United States, our new report co-authored with the BlueGreen Alliance details.  

    Medium- and heavy-duty vehicles are a backbone of U.S. economic life. Transitioning these vehicles from internal combustion engines (ICE) to low- and no-emission technologies is a critical step for eliminating greenhouse gas and other toxic emissions from the transportation economy. At the same time, this transition could have serious implications for the ICE vehicle manufacturing industry and auto workers—as well as the steel and aluminum industries that contribute so much to vehicle manufacturing—that have long been hammered by outsourcing and offshoring, union-busting, and intensifying international competition.

    If done right, the transition to manufacturing clean trucks and buses presents a rare opportunity to reverse these trends and revitalize long-beleaguered industries with expanding investment, creation of good jobs, and broadly rising incomes in the United States. If done wrong, the transition risks exacerbating the current trends that see companies moving production offshore or to U.S. states embracing anti-worker policies, threatening the security of the good jobs that remain.

    Our report models potential economic futures for U.S. truck and bus manufacturing supply chains under a variety of policy scenarios through 2032. The results indicate three pillars are necessary to secure good jobs for legacy auto workers and new entrants to the workforce, and to ensure a robust future for truck and bus manufacturing in the United States. To win good jobs manufacturing U.S. trucks and buses, policymakers must:

    1. Maintain a strong public commitment to low- and no-emission vehicle transition, including supply-side and demand-side measures to overcome endemic market failures in the development and deployment of new clean vehicle technologies.
    2. Increase the domestic market share and domestic content share for clean vehicle components in made-in-America trucks and buses by tackling the problems of bad trade policies and strongly tying financial incentives to domestic content requirements.
    3. Condition financial incentives for companies on creating high-quality jobs; institute penalties and clawbacks for companies that fail to meet their commitments to U.S. investments and good jobs; and prohibit participation in these programs for companies that can’t show “clean hands” with the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB), the Internal Revenue Service, and other relevant regulatory bodies.

    On all three counts, President Trump is flooring it in the wrong direction. Reversing federal funding for clean vehicle manufacturers and consumers will eliminate the first pillar of a clean vehicle transition that promotes good jobs, stranding more than $145 billion in new U.S. manufacturing investments and accelerating the decline in market share for domestic truck and parts manufacturing.

    The demand for clean trucks will still be there. Although Trump has nixed clean vehicle targets for future new sales, 35 other countries—along with U.S. states, cities, and a range of private-sector manufacturers, fleet owners and operators, utility and infrastructure providers, and capital investors—have pledged to reach 100% clean truck and bus sales by 2040. But without a sufficient U.S. manufacturing base and workforce, that new demand will be met by foreign suppliers. Legacy ICE producers will be faced with dwindling market share and deteriorating production economies squeezing profits.

    Figure A illustrates the potential harm of repealing the clean vehicle incentives from the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA). Pulling supply- and demand-side supports from the industry would result in nearly half a million fewer clean energy trucks and buses produced domestically through 2032, relative to the baseline scenario. This would cost more than 35,000 job-years (a quantity requiring one person’s work over one year) in truck assembly and parts manufacturing of ICE and clean vehicles and shrink the industry by nearly $16 billion. Conversely, we find that continuing with federal support for clean vehicles and tightening content rules to increase domestic market share would result in an additional 112,000 trucks and buses made in the United States, and an additional 171,000 job-years.

    Retreating from strong industrial policy will ravage U.S. truck and bus manufacturing industries: Change in U.S. medium- and heavy-duty truck and bus production from baseline scenario, units, 2024–2032

    Total trucks and buses
    50% clean energy vehicles + 10% market share 111,953
    Policy retreat -476,575
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