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    Beliefs, Misconceptions & Behaviors – The Big Picture

    We are four weeks out from the publication of “How Not To Invest: The ideas, numbers, and behaviors that destroy wealth – and how to avoid them.” Audio, ebook, and hard copies are all scheduled to drop on the same day, March 18, 2025.

    I am very excited about this, my first book in 15 years. I stopped writing my column and blog posts (mostly) to focus on this from December 2023 right up until January 2025. I suspect you might hear more about it in the coming weeks.

    I am slowly easing back into my regular writing routine, discussing how topical events often reflect the ways we deploy our risk capital. It is a target-rich area, one that can be seen in the daily news, regardless of how you consume your breaking stories — be they newspaper headlines, TikTok, television coverage, Twitter, radio, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, etc.

    There are many parallels between some of the silly things people believe politically on both sides of the aisle and what they believe in terms of money. There are so many financial myths and lots of bad information that ultimately lead to poor behavior.

    The result: Bad investment outcomes that should not have occurred.

    How can we avoid the avoidable unforced errors?

    The short answer: Be aware of your own bubble. Be conscious of your own biases. Practice good information hygiene. Always revert to first principles. Ask yourself why you believe in what you believe, and if there is no longer a valid reason, then discard that money-losing falsity. Make fewer decisions. When you do make a decision, make sure you have a good process underlying it.

    It’s not easy, but it is very possible to make fewer mistakes. The results will be a notable improvement in your process — and much better investment results…





    Audio Recording of “How Not to Invest” (January 18, 2025)

    Coming March 18: “How Not To Invest” (November 18, 2024)

    Nobody Knows Anything, The Beatles edition (September 26, 2024)




    Pre-Order now for March 18, 2025


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