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    Alliant Hires Leadley, Pelletiere and Rhatigano as Commercial Surety VPs

    Jeff Leadley

    Alliant Insurance Services, headquartered in Irvine, California, hired Jeff Leadley, Glenn Pelletiere and Tom Rhatigan as senior vice presidents in Alliant Specialty, within the company’s national commercial surety practice. The commercial surety industry leaders specialize in developing and managing large, complex surety programs for clients across various industries.

    Based in Chicago, Leadley has 25 years of experience, most recently serving as regional managing director at Aon Risk Solutions. Previous roles include commercial surety, managing account executive at Zurich North America,

    Glenn Pelletiere

    Based in New York City, Pelletiere brings 35 years of commercial surety experience, working primarily with Fortune 500 and large regional organizations. Before Alliant, Pelletiere served as Northeast surety zone leader at Marsh and as a senior vice president, surety, at Aon Risk Solutions.

    Tom Rhatigan

    Rhatigan is also based in the New York area and brings 28 years of combined surety underwriting and broking experience. Before joining Alliant, Rhatigan spent 24 years with large global brokers, most recently serving as senior director, northeast commercial surety leader at WTW.

    Commercial Lines

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