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    What They Never Taught You in School

    You’ve probably noticed something strange about money.

    Despite spending 12+ years in school learning about everything from algebra to ancient history, most of us graduate without ever learning one of life’s most essential skills:


    Think about that for a second.

    We spend years learning how to diagram sentences and calculate geometric angles, but somehow miss learning the one skill that impacts virtually every human being and every area of our lives.

    Here’s the truth that transformed my financial life:

    Money management is a skill that can be learned – just like drawing, basketball, or playing the guitar.

    But most people don’t see it this way.

    Instead, they view money as this mysterious force that’s completely outside their control – like the weather or winning the lottery.

    And so they feel powerless, thinking some people are just “lucky” with money while others aren’t.

    I used to think this way too.

    When you break it down, there are really just 4 core money skills:

    1. How to earn it
    2. How to spend less of it
    3. How to save it
    4. How to invest it wisely

    Just like you wouldn’t expect to pick up a guitar and instantly play like Eric Clapton, you shouldn’t expect to master money overnight.

    It takes practice.

    It takes making mistakes.

    It takes learning from those who are further along in the journey.

    Once you understand that money management is simply a learnable skill, everything shifts.

    You stop feeling helpless. You stop blaming luck. You start taking control.

    Because here’s the beautiful truth:

    Just like you can get better at cooking or photography or any other skill through dedicated practice, you can get better at managing money.

    The key is to start seeing yourself as a student of money rather than a victim of bad financial circumstances.

    Because the thing is, even if you have been dealt the worst financial hand in life, developing your money skills is only going to help you overcome it quicker.

    If you’re ready to start developing your money skills, start small:

    Pick ONE area – earning, spending, saving, or investing – and focus on improving just 1% in that area this month.

    Remember: You don’t have to be perfect.

    You just have to practice.

    And as you do, you will get better!

    Remember, God has given you everything you need to be an excellent steward of His resources.

    The question is: Are you willing to put in the practice?

    Your friend and coach,

    Bob sign

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