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    Are you a renter who lost income because of the fires? These are your protections

    After fires ripped through Pacific Palisades and Altadena in January, concern grew about how far the effects would spread and whether the region’s housing affordability crisis would worsen.

    Not only were thousands of homes destroyed, but many businesses were as well, leaving some people without a job and nervous they couldn’t pay rent. Gardeners, nannies and housekeepers who worked in destroyed houses also lost income.

    On Tuesday, the Los Angeles City Council declined to pass broad, city-specific eviction protections for people whose income was affected by the fires, amid a debate over how dire the situation truly is and how new rules could affect mom-and-pop landlords.

    But Los Angeles renters aren’t without a lifeline. Last week, the Board of Supervisors passed its own measure that gives some tenants eviction protections in all unincorporated communities and cities in the county, including the city of Los Angeles.

    If you are a renter affected by the fires, here’s what you need to know.

    What protections do I have? If you are a renter anywhere in Los Angeles County, landlords are not allowed to evict you for nonpayment of rent if you were financially harmed by the fires and meet several other qualifications.

    For one, to receive these protections, your household must have made 150% or less of the area median income in 2024 (about $147,000 for a family of four) and the fires had to directly cause you to lose at least 10% of your household’s average monthly earnings.

    In addition, you must have lived in your unit prior to Jan. 7 and be doing one of the following things: actively seeking employment or applying for financial assistance, which could include unemployment benefits, a county fire relief fund or other program.

    Tenants must also notify their landlord in writing of their inability to pay rent because of the fires within seven days of rent being due. If you already missed February rent, the timeline is a bit different. You must notify your landlord by March 4 that the reason you missed last month’s rent was the fires. More information on the rules, including what qualifies someone as being “directly” harmed by the fires, is available here.

    How long will these protections last? Through July 31, 2025.

    Is there anything else I should know? Yes, the rules do not stop landlords from filing an eviction case in court. Instead, they provide tenants with a defense so they can show a judge they aren’t supposed to be kicked out.

    If you receive notice that your landlord has filed an eviction case against you, respond promptly. If you ignore it, the court can approve an eviction.

    If you do take advantage of the new rules, you must pay back the rent you owe. Tenants can contact Stay Housed LA for help navigating the new protections.

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