Basic Profile & Key Statistics
Key Indicators
Performance Highlight

Gross revenue improved year-over-year, primarily due to contributions from the B&M Portfolio in France, acquired in September 2023, and higher income from the Decathlon Portfolio and Berlin Campus. However, net property income (NPI) declined due to higher property operating expenses. Despite this, income to be distributed and DPU remained stable after straight-line rent adjustments.
Rental Escalation

IREIT recorded a 5.8% rental escalation in FY2024.

REIT Sponsor’s Shareholding: FavorableREIT Manager’s Shareholding: Less FavorableDirectors of REIT Manager’s Shareholding: Less Favorable
Lease Profile

Debt Profile

Diversification Profile

Top Geographical Weightage: FavorableTop Property Weightage: Less FavorableTop 5 Properties’ Weightage: ModerateTop Tenant Weightage: ModerateTop 10 Tenants’