, pub-6007374308804254, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

    The Power of Influence

    COMMENT: You say you do not advise Trump. But whatever you seem to project, he does. Others seem to be copying your forecasts, even debt ad ___ suddenly says the default comes when you can’t sell the debt. Interestingly, they do not have the historical examples or the database that you do. So, how does this work? Are you the source for everyone?


    REPLY: I do not advise Trump. Yes, many near him take our reports. I know many take our research and pretend it is their own. Impressive, they do not have the staff to back up even collecting such a database. That is life. Even President Biden was said to have plagiarized people to climb the ladder of success. Just ask them for the historical facts to back up what they pretend is theirs.  People can search for things fast these days to see the author of anything.

    Venetian Debt

    1092 Byzantine Monetary Reform

    Rome DECLSILV 250 269AD Gallienus

    Only with a database was it possible to see capital flows. Even the CIA admitted to me that I invited that. Sovereign Debt defaults, who, when, how, and why, all came from analysis of ancient to medieval economies. It cost me tens of millions of dollars to assemble the coinage to see what was NOT recorded by historians definitively.

    Denarii Hoard

    Over the years, I have bought hoards of ancient coins just to see snapshots of what was in circulation and when. I have even helped to rewrite history with coinage that is not opinion. Even the extent of Mark Antony’s coinage funded by Cleopatra was still the most common coinage discovered in a hoard buried 100 years later in Pampei. It is a joke that someone can stand up pretending something is their research without the database or even the staff.

    Antony Cleopatra

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