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LIC unveils Smart Pension Plan: Single premium annuity with multiple payout options

The Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC) has launched a single premium “Smart Pension plan,” offering a range of annuity options for single...

Alexander Brothers Face More Lawsuits Accusing Them of Sexual Assault

Eleven more women have filed lawsuits against one or more of the Alexander brothers, the once high-flying trio who are facing multiple accusations...

Delaware Bill Would Limit Investor Lawsuits as Companies Consider Exiting State

Delaware lawmakers on Monday proposed changes to the U.S. state’s widely used corporate law that...

Washington In Meltdown As Bureaucrats Flee

(“Swiss bank” (yellow), “offshore bank” (green), “wire money” (red) and “IBAN” (blue)) Google search results for “lawyer” have skyrocketed by 400% in Washington D.C....

Sneaky move banks made just before RBA interest rate cut

Australia’s “big four” banks and other lenders have structured some of their loan products in a way that could create a mortgage cliff...

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