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    IPA’s weekly links

    Guest post by Jeff Mosenkis of Innovations for Poverty Action.   Cool panel on Wednesday, now that schools have gone remote, how to assess remotely...

    10 Sunday Reads – The Big Picture

    My helpful collection of resources and information for your easy like Sunday morning reads: How to Stay Safe: • Lessons From New York: The state has crushed the...

    Recent Articles delists PayPal PYUSD, Tether USDT in Europe | PaymentsSource

    Tiffany Hagler-Geard/Bloomberg The exchange has suspended purchases of several cryptocurrencies in the European Union as it...

    Texas Dairy, Poultry Producers Grapple With Bird Flu

    Just as quickly as the bird flu is spreading, the virus is changing. Nearly three years...

    Migrant Vendors Park Carts as Their American Dreams Slip Away

    Yves here. Many readers pointed out that going after employers of undocumented migrant workers would be a way to tackle one of the...

    MiB: Apollo’s Torsten Slok on the US Economy & Trump 2.0

        This week, we speak  with Torsten Slok, Partner and Chief Economist at Apollo Global Management. Prior to his time at Apollo, Torsten spent...

    $3,500 Rentals in and Near Los Angeles

    To provide a resource for those displaced by the Los Angeles fires, this edition of “What You Get” focuses on rentals rather than...

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